To install the Macromedia ShockWave Flash™ Player for the Macintosh:

2. Netscape Navigator will automatically unstuff the file and put it at the top level (desktop) of your Macintosh file hierarchy. If your browser does not automatically unstuff the Macromedia ShockWave Flash™ player then use a program such as Stuff-It Expander to convert the (.sea.hqx) file.

3. Quit Netscape Navigator.

4. Use the Finder to drag the "ShockWave Flash PM" or "ShockWave Flash 68k" plug-in file into the "Plugins" directory contained in the "Netscape Navigator" folder.

5. Open your browser and visit JSC MegaTrade web page at:


  • Be sure that you have copied the "ShockWave Flash PM" or "Shockwave Flash 68k" file into the proper "Plugins" directory.

  • In Netscape Navigator, select "General Preferences" from the Options menu. Then choose the Helpers tab. On the Helpers screen, double-click the "application/x-shockwave-flash" item. Be sure Handled by Plug-in is set and restart Navigator.

  • System Requirements


    If you have any problems send e-mail to:
    Last Updated: October 13, 1999.Rambler's Top100